Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Project-Based Learning and its Implementation in the Pedagogical Course (Iraqi Case)
Aziza Kavlu
English Language Teaching Department, Tishk International University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Published: February 22, 2023
Project-based learning is one of the learning approaches that enhance preservice teachers (PSTs) pedagogical content and professional knowledge. Moreover, PBL helps PSTs to improve problem-solving skills and stay motivated in today’s social media distractors invaded world. The purpose of this paper was to investigate PSTs’ perception of PBL and its implementation. The study was carried out in a single private university in Iraq – which has a faculty of Education among 5 different teaching departments, involving 156 pre-service teachers. The data were collected through observations, questionnaires, and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The result of this study indicated that PSTs perceive the PBL process mostly positively, but they face several challenges in generating PBL-type projects. participants also stated that the PBL process enhances their problem-solving and collaboration skills. In general, PBL were preferred among PSTs, because they believe that it improves their pedagogical content knowledge through projects which were integrated into their specific field.
Keywords: Project-based Learning, Perception, Pedagogical Course
DOI: 10.23918/vesal2023v08