Significance of a systematic standard ESP course for the students in Kurdistan Technical Institutes, Department of Administration as a Case Study
1Shler Mohammed Ali Najmaddin, 2Shilan Ali Hama Sur, 3Burhan Ali Mohammed
1Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Darbandikhan Technical Institute
2Department of English, College of Languages, University of Sulaimani
3Suaimani Polytechnic University, Darbandikhan Technical Institute
English for specific purposes is based on the design of specific courses to provide response to the requirements of students who, beyond the learning of the common language, require a practice about definite professional areas. ESP plays a central role in Higher Education in Kurdistan/Iraq where English is used mostly for academic purposes. However, it has been found that under the name of “Administrative Readings in English” an ESP course is taught in Kurdistan Technical Institutes programs are developed without conducting a systematic needs analysis. To explain this, students’ ability, needs, and interests for choosing the course materials and methodology have not been considered. Thus, this must affect the students’ motivation and learning. As a result, this study is an attempt to investigate the effect of systemized ESP on the students’ motivation and learning. The study was conducted with 155 first-year students in Darbandikhan, Kalar and Halabja Institutes, Sulaimani Polytechnic University. A pretest and posttest were used to identify the students’ learning as a result of the course. The performance of the students’ general English and basic administration in both pretest and posttest were compared. Their performance in general English was the same. However, they scarcely outperformed in basic administration in the posttest. Moreover, a questionnaire was used to find how this course has had impact on the students’ motivation. They were given a questionnaire before and after the course to identify their motivation about English courses before and after the course. Regarding the students’ perceptions, their motivation before and after the course was alike. In general, they lack motivation. It can be concluded that a systemized ESP is a mandatory for the students’ lack of motivation and more specifically learning.
Keywords: English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course, Administrative Readings, Students’ learning and motivation
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a40