Importance of Multimodality in Educational Syllabi
Bandar A. Muhammed1, Kawa A. Sherwani2, Hoshang Farooq3
1Salahaddin university
2Erbil Polytechnic university
3Suleimani university
Education discourse is characterized as multimodal. Hence, multimodality need to be integrated into educational syllabi. The aim of this paper is to analyze some Syllabi of English departments of Salahaddin University- Erbil to investigate into the presence or absence of multimodality in them. Some recommendations are made on how to make syllabi more multimodal. Multimodal discourse analysis is used as a technique for data collection and analysis. Some findings of the study are that multimodality can accommodate for students` individual differences and teachers need to use modes in their class activities and exam questions.
Keywords: Education Discourse, Multimodality, Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Syllabus
doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a12