The Use of Translation in the Language Classroom: A Useful Tool to Enhance Language Proficiency

Asst. Lecturer Adem Daskan & Zeynel Polat

English Language Teaching Department

Faculty of Education

Tishk International University- Erbil, Iraq

Mobile No: +9647700759112

Email: [email protected]


Although the use of translation has been considered detrimental in language learning owing to its interference with second language acquisition, from the first decade of the 21st century onwards it has been widely favored to scaffold learning. The use of translation in the language classroom constitutes a base for understanding the second language. Particularly, due to its facilitative role in the learning process, translation can be incorporated into other activities for the improvement of target language. In addition, the cautious attitude towards the use of translation in activities makes the learning meaningful and encourages learners to become active participants, also it allows learners to compare L1 and L2 so that they can decode difficult L2 structures and elements. This paper aims to explore the role of translation in the language classroom.

Keywords: Translation, L1, L2, Language Acquisition, Language Proficiency
