Innovative assessment: Reflect on the assessment tools and their strategies

Tishk International University – Faculty Engineering, Department of
[email protected]
This paper investigates innovative assessment types as a reflection of 21st century pedagogy and as an effective cognitive learning tool. There are many misconceptions about cognitive tools and assessment strategies however, there is no one right or wrong way but simply each teacher masters in one type of formative and summative assessment while using all types of assessments as a guideline in their classrooms based on many European authors and case studies. This paper highlights different assessment tools based on 21st-century pedagogy aiming to evaluate the types of tools in summative and formative assessment in a viewpoint of innovative instructor while concluding to which is more sufficient when it comes to a new pedagogical teaching assessment. This paper aims to answer how students can become learners through different tools of assessment criteria and peer review experiences? How 21st century instructor can evolve students in assessments? And is it possible to steer student
learning in the desired direction aiming for life-long learning. In innovative assessment new beginners face many fears about the misconceptions and obstacles of assessment, this paper tries to answer how to choose wisely when it
comes to maximize knowledge of instructions to achieve better student performance. We must understand that innovative assessment which is not a onetime event, it´s a life-long learning process embedded into everyday instructions to give educators and students information needed so that they could understand what comes next in course structure and what they aim to achieve in the end of the course syllabus. (Handley & Williams, 2011; Rust et
al., 2003). In innovative assessment educators get many chances to learn about Benjamin Bloom who created Bloom´s Taxonomy and why we as 21st century educators should make Blooms taxonomy a first steppingstone in our teaching
Keywords: Assessment strategies, Cognitive tools, Formative assessment,
Pedagogy, Summative assessment
