VESAL 2024 Full Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Submission Process:

  • Deadline for Full Paper Submission: Authors must submit their full papers by August 1, 2024.
  • All submissions should be made electronically via the VESAL 2024 website.
  • Papers must be written in English and adhere to the highest standards of international publication.

2. Formatting Requirements:

  • Manuscripts should be proofread and edited to ensure clarity and accuracy.
  • Follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines for formatting and citations.
  • Authors are advised to adhere to the specified formatting criteria outlined in the provided template through the provided link for consistency and compliance.

3. Selection Criteria:

  • The VESAL Editorial Board will review all submitted papers.
  • The IJSESS Editorial Board will add another layer of review for the selected manuscripts past the VESAL Editorial Board.
  • Criteria for selection include originalityrelevancerigor, and contribution to the field of educational studies and applied linguistics.
  • Accepted papers will be notified by October 1, 2024.

4. Publication Opportunities:

Accepted papers at VESAL 2024 will have the privilege of being published in one of the following prestigious venues:

a. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies (IJSESS):

  • The IJSESS is a reputable scholarly journal that covers a wide range of topics in social sciences and educational studies.
  • It is indexed by DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ensuring the permanence and accessibility of published articles.
  • Authors whose papers are selected will have the opportunity to contribute to the academic discourse in their field through this esteemed journal.

b. The VESAL2024 Book of Proceedings:

  • The conference proceedings will be compiled into a comprehensive book.
  • Manuscripts reviewed by the VESAL Editorial Board will be eligible for inclusion in the VESAL2024 Book in cases where the manuscript does not meet the criteria for submission to the IJSESS ‎ journal.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet the approval of the IJSEESS editorial board will be considered for inclusion in the VESAL2024 Book of Proceedings.
  • Each accepted paper will be assigned an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), making it a valuable scholarly resource.
  • The proceedings book will serve as a reference for researchers, educators, and practitioners interested in educational studies and applied linguistics.

5. Presentation Formats:

Authors whose papers are accepted can choose from the following presentation formats:

  • PowerPoint Presentation (Presenters will have a designated time slot to present their research findings), using the provided VESAL2024 template, or
  • Digital Poster Presentation (Authors can create visual posters summarizing their work for display during the conference.

The presentation sessions will commence after the opening ceremony on ‎the 2nd day of the conference and are typically arranged into concurrent sessions. Each ‎concurrent session comprises four presentations, with two sets of four ‎presentations scheduled for Concurrent Session I and Concurrent Session II, ‎respectively. To ensure equal time allocation for each presentation, the ‎session duration will be divided equally among the presenters. For optimal ‎delivery and interaction, we recommend that a Presentation should last no longer than 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers. Should there be any remaining time in the session, it may be utilized ‎for further discussion.‎

6. Timeline:

  • August 1, 2024: Regular Full Manuscript Submission Deadline
  • September 1, 2024: Review Results
  • September 20, 2024: Camera-Ready Manuscript Deadline
  • October 1, 2024: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
  • October 23-24, 2024: VESAL 2024 Conference Days.

Note: Early Bird Submissions will enjoy a discounted participation fee, providing authors with a financial incentive to submit their work ahead of the regular deadline.

7. Contact Information:

For any inquiries or concerns, please reach out to the conference organizers:

We look forward to receiving your submissions and welcoming you to VESAL 2024 in Erbil, Iraq!