For better evaluation, easier processing, and earlier reply, your abstract should follow the following format.


  1. Language: English
  2. Abstract text word limit: 300 words
  3. Suggested font: Times New Roman, Font size 12
  4. Text alignment: Justified
  5. Spacing between the title, the author(s) and the abstract text: Single
  6. Line spacing of the text: Single
  7. First letter of name(s) of the author(s) should be written in upper case followed the rest in lower case. (e.g., Esra Tariq)
  8. All authors’ affiliation details [e.g., department, organization, or institution, city or town, state (if applicable) and country] should be written under the names.
  9. The abstract should be divided into the following sections (the subtitles being typed in lower case and in bold): Background – Objective – Method – Results –Conclusions.
  10. Keyword (minimum 5 words)


All abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated in terms of their appropriateness and their overall quality. The Scientific Committee deems every right to reject or accept any proposal as per abstract eligibility.


  • Last date for Abstract submission for Poster: 28th April 2024Abstract acceptance date: 30th April 2024Deadline for full paper submission:  15th May 2024Online registration started from date: 30th April. 20244th NTPC 2024 date: 28th -29thMay 2024

Note: The best papers will be selected for publication in the peer-reviewed journal after peer review process.

1.Seleted Research Paper/ Review paper will publish in Scopus Journal

2.Seleted Research Paper/ Review paper will published in EURASIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING