2nd National Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Faculty of Pharmacy at Tishk International University organized the 2nd national conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences titled “Tishk Pharmaceutical Conference (NTPC) 2022”. Under the theme of “Role of Kurdish Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM), the conference focused on the role of natural products in the discovery and development of complementary alternative medicines (CAM) & modern medicines.
Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM) comprises knowledge of medicine that has been developed over generations within various societies before the era of modern medicine. These skills and practices are used in the diagnosis, prevention, and elimination of physical, mental, or societal imbalance, and rely exclusively on practical experiences and observations handed down from generation to generation, whether “verbal or in written form”.
The Unani System of Medicine (USM) originates from Greece & Egypt, and it was further adapted and practiced by Arabs. The herbal basis of Unani therapy can be traced back to its earliest originators in ancient Egypt who gave primary place to plants in disease treatment. USM is not only limited to the treatment of some symptoms of diseases but has a comprehensive approach for curing the diseases and restoration of health. Unani practitioners also introduced surgery as a method of treatment. Ibn-Sina and Rhazes had a great contribution to the development of the Unani System of Medicine. Ibn-Sina (Avicenna) was a physician, astronomer, and writer of the Islamic Golden Age, and the father of early modern medicine. Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyāʾ al-Rāzī, (Rhazes) was a well-known physician, philosopher, and chemist. USM is also known as “Hikmat” and it is practiced today among Muslims of Xinjiang (China), India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. USM is popular in different parts of the world by different names: Greek-Arab Medicine, Arabic Medicine, Tibb-e-Sunnati, Traditional Iranian Medicine, Eastern Medicine, and Uighur Medicine.
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq is surrounded by several mountains and rich source of medicinal and aromatic plants. Kurdish traditional diet includes several medicinal plants such as olives, parsley, coriander, turmeric, black cumin, black paper, sesame, clove, cardamom, etc. In addition, the lands of Kurdistan grow several essential oil-containing plants that grow abundantly such as rosemary, thymus, pelargonium, rose, chamomile, santolina, mentha, lavender, etc. This conference aimed to explore the therapeutic benefits of Kurdish medicinal and aromatic plants, and their contribution to CAM.
Conference Objectives and Aims
- The goal of NTPC 2022 is to deliver an outstanding program for exchanging ideas and authoritative views from leading scientists of the pharmaceutical arena covering the entire spectrum of research in traditional and modern Drug Discovery by sharing their experiences concerning the exemplary transference in drug discovery and development.
- The NTPC 2022 specially focused on the role of Kurdish medicinal and aromatic plants in Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM).
- To gather scientific experts from every corner of the nation to catalyze and advance scientific knowledge about the current Drug Discovery, present recent research findings, and promote scientific collaborations around the region.
- NTPC 2022 also aims to provide a platform to develop cross-cultural relationships.
- To bring together community leaders, scientists, and policy leaders to promote and enhance programmatic collaborations to more effectively address the regional, national, and local responses to society and overcome barriers that limit access to health care and services.
After participating in this conference, attendees should be able to:
- Explore therapeutic benefits of Kurdish medicinal and aromatic plants.
- Discuss the contribution of Kurdish medicinal and aromatic plants in CAM.
- Discuss the drug discovery cascade in general.
- Differentiate the traditional and modern drug discovery processes.
- Discuss the role of modern tools and techniques in drug discovery.
- Discuss emerging trends and Challenges in Drug Formulation & Drug Delivery.
- Discuss and apply recent research findings related to Drug Discovery, Development & Formulation.
Scope of the Conference
This conference is designed to attract scientific leaders from the following areas:
- Traditional Medicines and Herbal Therapy
- Drug Discovery and Development
- Phytochemistry & Natural Products
- Ethnopharmacology & Ethnobotany
- Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM)
- Unani System of Medicine (USM)
- New Frontiers in Pharmacology
- Ethnobotany
- Herbal drug formulation
- Drug Discoveries in major health areas such as Diabetes, CVD, Cancer, Malaria, Obesity, etc.