1- الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور عبد الحسين العسكري.

2- دكتوراة هندسة معمارية من جامعة بغداد. ٢٠٠٢ماجستير  تخطيط حضري واقليمي من مركز التخطيط الحضري والاقليمي للدراسات العليا بجامعة بغداد.

 ١٩٩٧ وبكالوريوس هندسة معمارية من جامعة بغداد ١٩٨٩

3- عميد مركز التخطيط الحضري والاقليمي للدراسات العليا بجامعة بغداد منذ ٢٠١٣  ورئيس قسم هندسة العمارة بجامعة النهرين من ٢٠١١- ٢٠١٣و رئيس قسم العمارة بجامعة البصرة في ٢٠٠٨ .

٤- له العديد من البحوث المنشورة في فلسفة العمارة وفي التخطيط والتصميم الحضري.

5- اشرف على العديد من رسائل الماجستير واطاريح الدكتوراة في جامعات النهرين وبغداد.

6-عضو اللجنة العليا للتصميم الاساس لمدينة بغداد.

7- عضو في العديد من اللجان المختصة بالامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء.

8- نظم العديد من الندوات والحلقات العلمية مع وزارات الدولة واخيرا المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الاول للتخطيط الحضري والاقيمي في العراق والسابع محليا.

9-شارك في العديد من المؤتمرات الدولية.

10- رئيس مجلس ادارة المكتب الاستشاري التخطيطي بمركز التخطيط الحضري والاقليمي.

11- له العديد من النشاطات و التصاميم المعمارية ضمن المكاتب الاستشارية لكليات الهندسة في جامعات بغداد والبصرة والنهرين.


Doctor (summa cum laude) of Archaeology, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1995

Researcher (First class), C.N.R.S. (French National Centre of Scientific Research) Director of the I.F.P.O. in Iraq


Régis Vallet is researcher at the C.N.R.S, where he led for 7 years the team V.E.P.M.O. (From Village

to State in the Near and Middle East) in Nanterre. The theme of his work is the spatial organization of society in the Middle East from the 7th to the 3rd millennium BCE. Former fellow of the French Archaeological Delegation in Iraq (Baghdad) and of the French Institute of Anatolian Studies (Istanbul), he has worked extensively in the field: first in Iraq (Larsa-‘Oueili, Kutan, Tell es Sawwan, Haradum), where he discovered the oldest known houses of Lower Mesopotamia at Tell el ‘Oueili (period “Obeid 0”, 7th millennium), then in southeastern Turkey (Titris Höyük, Tilbeshar), Oman (Ras al-Jinz), Syria (Tell Feres) and since 2014 in Kurdistan (Girdi Qala and Logardan, near Chemchemal) where he found evidence for an early emergence ofurbanization.

Employment History:

Since 2000: Researcher (first class), C.N.R.S.

1996-2000: Researcher (second class), C.N.R.S.

1995-1996: Fellow of the Foundation Singer-Polignac

1991-1993: Fellow of the French Institute for Anatolian Studies, Istanbul

1990-1991: Fellow of the French Archaeological Delegation in Iraq, Baghdad

1988-1990: Fellow of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne


Director of the I.F.P.O. in Iraq, since 2017

Director of the C.N.R.S. research team V.E.P.M.O. (UMR 7041 ArScAn, Nanterre), 2010-2016

U.N.E.S.C.O., H.C.E.R.E.S., A.N.R. and F.N.R.S. expert

Member of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne selection committee

Member of the University of Rennes 2 selection committee

President of the partnership Les Amis de Larsa (A.A.L.)

Member of the scientific committee of I.C.O.N.E.M., Broadening Horizons, A.D.E.M. and Routes de


Member of the editorial committee of Mesopotamian Studies (M.M.S.)

Member of the reading committee of Paléorient, Acta Orientalia Belgica and Chroniques Yéménites


Near East Archaeology course, University of Paris 1 (1999-2001) Tutor of several doctoral theses, University of Paris 1

Seminars at Master level

Organizer of conferences on the Near East Archaeology at the University of Paris 1

Organizer of a research seminar at the Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie (Nanterre)


Participation in thirty archaeological missions in the Near East (Cyprus, Iraq, Turkey, Oman, Syria)

Director of the Franco-Syrian Archaeological Mission at Tell-Feres, Syria (2004-2014)

Director of the Franco-Italian Archaeological Mission at Ra’s al Jinz, Oman (2011)

Director of the International Archaeological Mission in the Western Qara Dagh, Irak (since 2014)

Publications, Seminars and conferences:

About fifty scientific interventions as guest speaker

About fifty scientific books and articles

Paul Leandri

Born in 1961, Paul Leandri is main officer of the french Ministry of Culture. After studies of primary school teacher to the teachers’ training college of Moulins, in Allier, he teaches during two years before joining the Army in 1984.

Officer in the armored cavalry and the Foreign Legion, he commands a squadron of the 1st regiment of Dragons in 1993-1995 and is awarded a diploma by the School of Top management of Compiègne.

He leaves the Army in 1999 and joins the Ministry of Culture where he occupies various responsible jobs, administrative and cultural. Added to the regional manager of the cultural affairs of Corsica from 1999 till 2001, then to that of Guiana from 2001 till 2002, he joins the museums of France in 2002 as General Secretary of the National Palace of Compiègne and the castle of Blérancourt.

He is named director of the graduate school of Architecture of Clermont-Ferrand in May, 2004. In this post he leads the entrance of the ENSACF to the European system of the LMD (LICENCE-MASTER-DOCTORAT) (License(Bachelor’s degree) Master’s degree Doctorate) from 2004 and the evaluation of its programs in 2011-2012.

From November, 2013 till September, 2017 he is the director of the cultural affairs of the Guiana, the service decentralized by the Ministry of Culture with the Prefect. He registers his action within the framework of the French cultural decentralization, while asserting the expertise of the State and the big national cultural stakes.

On September, 2017, he joins Kurdistan of Iraq where he takes the direction of the antenna of Erbil of the French Institute of Iraq.

Paul Leandri is a knight of the Arts and Letters.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmed Bakr Khayat

BSc. MSc. Ph.D. /Architecture

Salahadin University / Erbil / College of Engineering

Head of Department of architecture

General manager of Arbil engineering company

009647504557895, Erbil-Kurdistan Region, Iraq

[email protected]

[email protected]



Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Khayat is the head of Department of Architecture in Salahddin University, a cofounder of post graduate M.Sc. program in his department, and a cofounder of (Erbil forum for sustainable development). He was the founder of Mahmood khayat architects in 1990 and Arbil engineering company in 2004 in Baghdad before joining Salahaddin University in 2006.

Dr. Mahmood Khayat holds a BSc. Architecture from Baghdad University, a Ph.D. Arch. (2002) and M.Sc. Arch (1997) from University of Technology Baghdad- Iraq, his research works depends on regarding Architecture as a communication system. Dr. Khayat has published articles, supervised M.Sc. and PhD. students at Salahaddin University and co-supervised and examined one M.A. Student in Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Germany, His research concentrated on defining the vocabulary and grammars of the local Architecture language, this was adopted as a theme of design by making use of perception laws in re calling the architectural vocabulary saved in the deep mental data storage, to create an Environment Friend Architecture that can communicate with the audience.

Dr. Mahmood Khayat on May 2014 joined the CRSCAD 2014 conference at (UMASS) Boston to present his paper titled (Erbil City Traditional and Vernacular Architecture Disastrous Status). On May 10-11\2016 joined the Institute Francis – Erbil and American university Sulimania conference to present a paper titled (Culture and Change).3-5 June 2016 joined the 13th annual PASCAL Observatory Conference at the University of Glasgow UK.

Dr. Khayat acts as a visiting professor in Sulaimanya, Duhok, Mosul, Eshik, and Gihan universities. He is the acting director of Erbil research centre for sustainable development at Salahaddin university, he is member of College of Engineering teaching staff promotion committee, the cofounder and was the first chair of Kurdistan book club, and also nominated for (UNESCO Chair for cultural Heritage at Salahaddin University-Erbil).