The theme of the 7th ICASEE-25 is "AI Horizons: Integrating Artificial Intelligence with Advanced Sciences for Global Innovation" and will address scopes as shown below but not limited to:
- Mathematical sciences
- Applied mathematics
- Scientific computing
- Operations research and management science
- Statistics
- Actuarial science
- Mathematical economics
- Computational mathematics
- Computational model
- Mathematics and computing
- The interplay of modeling and computational mathematics
- Analysis
- Complex analysis
- Geometric analysis
- Design and analysis of algorithms
- Homotopy analysis
- Mathematical methods
- Scientific observations
- Algebra and number theory
- Applied mathematics
- Combinatorics
- Topology
- Continuous maths
- Groups and group actions
- Nonlinear differential-difference models
- Corruption suppression models
- Complex numbers
- University maths
- Metric spaces
- Probabilistic combinatorics
- Logic and proof
- Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Agri-Biotechnology
- Agricultural pharmaceuticals
- Analytic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Applied Chemistry
- Applied Pharmacy
- Bioanalytical Chemistry
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biological and medical informatics
- Biology, Medical and Chemical Industry
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomolecular Engineering
- Biopharmaceutics
- Biotechnology
- Cell and Tissue Engineering
- Cell Biology
- Chemical Contamination and Environmental Protection
- Chemical Process Modeling
- Chemiinformatics
- Clinical and Medical Zoology
- Clinical Pharmaceuticals
- Cytology
- Drug discovery
- Environmental Chemistry
- Enzymology
- Fermentation technology
- Food Chemistry
- Genetics
- Immunology
- Industrial Chemistry
- Medicinal chemistry
- Medicine Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution
- Medicine Monitoring and Supervising
- Medicine Safety and Quality
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology
- Nano-drugs
- Nanotechnology
- Natural Chemistry
- Neurobiology
- Novel Drug delivery systems
- Nuclear Pharmacy
- Nutrition and Food Security
- Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Pathology
- Pharmaceutical Botany
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacoanalysis
- Pharmacochemistry
- Pharmacodynamics and Drug Metabolism
- Pharmacogenomics
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy and Biophysics
- Pharmacy Practice
- Pharmceuticals
- Photochemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Phyto Chemistry
- Plant & Animal Physiology
- Plant Pathology & Entomology
- Polymer Chemistry
- Proteomics & Genomics
- Synthetic Chemistry
- Vaccine Development
- Accelerator physics
- Applied mathematics
- Applied physics and theoretical physics
- Astrophysics
- Atomic, molecular and optical physics
- Condensed matter physics
- Engineering physics
- Experimental physics
- Fluid dynamics
- Hadron structure, spectroscopy and dynamics
- Materials physics
- Mathematical methods
- Nuclear physics
- Particle physics
- Physical applications in chemistry
- Stealth technology
- Theoretical physics
- Petroleum Science
- Catalysis and Polymer Science
- Green and Environmental Chemistry
- Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Organic chemistry, Biochemistry and Natural Products
- Petroleum and Petrochemical
- Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry
- Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry and Renewable Energy
- Industrial and Petroleum Chemistry
- Food and Agricultural Chemistry
- Geochemistry and Mineral Chemistry
- Natural and managed ecosystems
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Architecture
- Software Engineering
- Operating Systems
- Database Systems
- Networks
- Security
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Data Analysis
- Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Data Mining
- Data Warehousing
- Data Visualization
- Business Intelligence
- Data Ethics and Privacy
- Enterprise Systems
- E-commerce and M-commerce
- Knowledge Management
- Information Retrieval
- Network Security
- Application Security
- Incident Response and Forensics
- Security Policies and Governance
- Computational Biology
- Genomics and Proteomics
- Quantum Algorithms
- Quantum Cryptography
- Geophysics
- Geochemistry
- Geomorphology
- Structural Geology
- Paleontology
- Stratigraphy
- Sedimentology
- Hydrogeology
- Environmental Geology
- Volcanology
- Mineralogy
- Petroleum Geology
- Tectonics
- Glaciology
- Remote Sensing in Geology
- Geological Mapping
- Geological Engineering
- Pollution management
- Environmental Economy
- The health effects of air, water, soil, radiation, and noise pollution
- Cumulative environmental assessment
- The effects of radiation
- Depots Free Industry
- The contribution of non-renewable natural sources to global warming
- Environmental education
- Environmental law and philosophy
- Chemical and physical pollution in ecosystems and the measures to be taken
- Tourism and environment
- Biological Diversity (Biodiversity)
- Alternate and Clean Energy
- Economic Problems in Environmental protection
- Other subjects related to ecology and environment
- The efficient use of water resources
- Nature conservation and sustainable use
- Indoor and outdoor air quality
- Ecological Engineering ‐ ecosystem management, protection, and restoration
- Effects of globalization on natural resources
- Waste treatment and management. Advanced recycling technologies
- Soil degradation/erosion and remediation
- Management of industrial wastes
- Innovation for less polluting emission processes