In 2014, Tishk International University orchestrated the inaugural International Conference on Ecology, Environment, and Energy (ICEEE 2014), a significant gathering in the region. Building on this success, Tishk International University and Salahaddin University collaborated to organize subsequent conferences, including the 2nd ICEEE in 2015, the 3rd ICEEAS in 2016, the 4th ICEEAS in 2017, and the 5th ICASEE in 2018.
However, the global emergence of COVID-19 disrupted the scientific landscape, diverting attention exclusively to pandemic-related research until the close of 2021.
March 25th and 26th, 2022 marked the 6th International Conference on Applied Sciences, Energy, and Environment (ICASEE-2022), hosted by the Faculty of Education at Tishk International University. The first day featured a special dinner in honor of the main keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Marwan Mousa, attended by distinguished guests, including Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Samad (TIU President), Prof. Dr. Idris Hadi (Chairman of the Board of Trustees), Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ozdemir (Vice President for Academic Affairs), and various department heads.
The focal events unfolded on the 26th, where six keynote speeches took center stage. Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Samad inaugurated the conference, and Dr. Orhan Tug, the conference chairman, provided an overview and warmly welcomed attendees. Prof. Dr. Marwan Mousa delivered his keynote address on-site, while the remaining five speakers presented virtually from different locations.
The conference garnered substantial interest, attracting participants from diverse countries such as Algeria, Georgia, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates. With a total of 64 accepted abstracts, 38 paper presentations, and nine online presentations, ICASEE-2022 emerged as a dynamic platform for international collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Following a decade of unwavering commitment to the annual/biannual organization of ICASEE, Tishk International University and Salahadin University Erbil have pooled their resources to elevate the 7th ICASEE-2025 into the most exceptional conference the region has witnessed. Our primary objective is to curate cutting-edge scientific research, foster the expansion of ongoing academic partnerships, and generate outcomes in both pure and applied sciences that will significantly enhance societal well-being.
In addition to these core objectives, the 7th ICASEE-2025 is poised to broaden its horizons by delving into the new frontier of geological sciences. This expansion includes exploration into clean energy and alternative power resources, addressing global warming concerns and challenges, and devising strategies for effective pollution mitigation. By embracing this broader scope, we aim to contribute meaningfully to the scientific community and advance knowledge in critical areas that impact our planet and its inhabitants.
The 7th ICASEE-2025 aims to be a pivotal event in advancing knowledge across various scientific domains. In addition to the previously stated objectives, the following goals are identified to enrich the overall experience and impact:
Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations among participants to foster a holistic approach to scientific challenges. Facilitate cross-disciplinary sessions and activities that promote knowledge exchange among researchers from diverse fields.
Encourage Student Participation and Development: Provide a platform for students to engage in the scientific discourse actively. Organize special sessions, competitions, and mentorship programs to encourage the participation of young researchers, nurturing their skills and fostering a supportive learning environment.
Enhance Industry-Academia Partnership: Facilitate meaningful interactions between academia and industry. Organize panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities that bridge the gap between research findings and practical applications, fostering collaborations that benefit both sectors.
Facilitate Knowledge Transfer: Implement mechanisms for effective knowledge transfer from experienced researchers to emerging scholars. Design mentorship programs, webinars, and interactive sessions that allow for the exchange of insights, experiences, and practical wisdom.
Address Global Challenges: Focus on research that addresses pressing global challenges, emphasizing the event's commitment to contributing solutions to issues such as climate change, sustainability, and public health. Encourage presentations and discussions that align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Ensure Ethical Conduct: Emphasize and uphold ethical standards in research and scientific practices. Implement guidelines for responsible conduct, integrity in reporting, and the responsible use of emerging technologies, fostering an environment of trust and accountability.
Support Diversity and Inclusivity: Promote diversity in both participants and presenters. Ensure representation from underrepresented groups and regions, fostering an inclusive environment that embraces varied perspectives and experiences.
Facilitate Post-Event Collaboration: Implement mechanisms to sustain collaboration beyond the event. Establish online platforms, forums, and collaborative projects that enable participants to continue exchanging ideas, research findings, and resources in the post-event period.
By expanding the objectives to include these additional dimensions, the 7th ICASEE-2025 aims to provide participants a comprehensive and impactful experience, contributing to the advancement of science and addressing broader societal challenges.
The theme of the 7th ICASEE-25 is "AI Horizons: Integrating Artificial Intelligence with Advanced Sciences for Global Innovation" and will address scopes as shown below but not limited to: