Dr. Joseph P. Messina is a Professor of Geography (Ph.D. 2001 UNC-Chapel Hill). Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences – University of Alabama. Awarded research honors from NASA through the New Investigator Program, the National Institutes of Health Roadmap Program, and the Sigma Xi / MSU Young Scholar of the Year. Co-edited special issues in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Environment and Planning A, and Environment and Planning B. Served on the Organizing committee for Geocomputation 2005, International Medical Geography Symposium 2013, Accuracy 2014. Served on the EPA panel establishing a national program on behavioral and social science research and the environment. Served on national review panels for the National Institutes of Health (NIGMS, NIEHS, NIAID); the National Science Foundation’s Cyber Enabled Discovery and Innovation and the Decision Making Under Uncertainty programs and Geography and Spatial Sciences; NASA’s Terra, Aqua, and ACRIM, ESSF, Carbon, and the LCLU programs; EPA’s Advanced Monitoring Initiative, NAS’s Deepwater Horizon. Served in leadership roles or on select committees for the Association of American Geographers, the remote sensing specialty group of the Association of American Geographers, and the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Geography Awareness Week Plenary Speaker at multiple universities. 2014 BCBSM Foundation McDevitt Excellence in Research Award, AT&T/MSU 2013 Technology Enhancement teaching award. Honorable Discharge, United States Army.
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