Conference of Projects on Information Technology (COPIT 2022)

Event Summary:

On June 23, the information technology department held its first conference of projects on information technology (COPIT 2022). The conference aims to encourage students to present their final year projects in front of experts, professors, and colleagues to enhance their ability to discuss their ideas and learn how to enhance them.

In the presence of the president of Tishk International University, Dr. Abdulsamad S. Ahmad, the keynote speaker of the conference, Dr. Dler Salih Hassan, the head of the computer science and information technology department at Salaheddin University, and professors from different departments of Tishk University, the students presented the posters of their projects and explained to the audience their projects and ideas.

The conference then started with the welcoming speech of the head of the department, Mr. Savriddin Khalilov, who invited Dr. Abdulsamad S. Ahmed for the opening speech, in which he praised the efforts of the students and IT-department staff in conducting the event and advised the students to convert their contributions into patents and to apply them in different scientific and commercial areas. The dean of the faculty of applied sciences, Prof. Dr. Faiq H.S. Hussain, then gave a brief introduction to the faculty and IT department, emphasizing IT’s contribution to society. Prof. Dr. Faiq’s speech was followed by the keynote speech entitled “Recent Trends in Information Technology 2022,” presented by Dr. Dler Salih Hassan, who introduced the recent approaches to IT in the industry.

Then, conference sessions were started, and they had significant questions from lecturers and colleagues, and they produced fruitful discussions that could lead to promising outcomes from the development of the presented projects. The conference closed by giving certificates to the participants.

In brief, the First Conference of Projects on Information Technology (COPIT-2022) had a great impact on students, supervisors, and developers and raised their confidence, ability to present their ideas and share their knowledge in front of around 70 people. That impact was clear from their feedback and impressions after the conference. It also shares the department’s project work and supervisors’ updated ideas on research and applications with other lecturers from outside the department and the university.