On Sunday, January 9th, 2022 a delegation form Tishk International University paid a visit to Koya university in order to invite them to ICASEE Conference and VESAL conference organized by Education Faculty, TIU. .

In their visit, the team of TIU visited the dean of Faculty of Science and Health, Asst. Prof. Dr. Taha Jalal; dean of Faculty of Education Dr. Safin Jalal; head of English Department in Faculty of Education Dr. Ahmed Abdulazeez; head of English Department in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Mr. Hana Mohammed. Moreover, the team also visited Prof. Dr. Salah I. Yahya,
Executive Editor of ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University, in order to see the possibilities t of publishing the selected papers of the conference in the journal.

We hope that the discussions in the meeting will open a window for academic collaborations between Koya University and Tishk International University. As best put, knowledge increases when shared.

We would like to thank them for their amazing hospitality at Koya University. We wish them all the best for their recent and further studies.


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