Dr. Mohammad Salih Mustafa
International Relations and Diplomacy Department
Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University
Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2022p13

The more time passes, the more the Middle East witnesses different kinds of political and military manoeuvres. Many of these ploys are in line with international political struggles. Iraqi politics, especially since the general elections of October 2021, has been significantly affected by the global political ebb and flow. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is another chapter whose outcome, either way, will determine the future of Middle Eastern politics, including in Iraq a case study methodology is employed for this research. Iraq is the study in question because its current political arena elaborates the wider Middle Eastern struggle for power and will be affected by any possible power shifts that lead to the rebalancing of world order and a struggle between the superpowers. This study is an attempt to shed light on current Iraqi political affairs, which represents the wider political spectrum of the Middle East within the changing shape of world politics.

Keywords: Middle East, Iraq the struggle for power the, influence of regional and international powers on Iraqi politics

4th International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics

Organized by
Tishk International University, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil, and
University of Szczecin, Poland.
