Dr. Waqar Ahmad
Business and Management Department, Tishik International University, Erbil, Iraq
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2019p32
(Full Paper)

Private Universities can play a very decisive role in the economic development of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Presently, there are 32 private universities/institutes operating within its borders. KRI established in 2004 urgently need educated youths to economically develop this region (UNFPA 2018). The vision of Higher Education “Quality is the top priority” (MHESR, 2009) contextualizes the future direction laid down by KRG for higher educational institutions. Ahmad and Shah (2016) speaking positively of private universities in KRI view private universities as student-oriented and the education they impart can fulfil the economic development (see Todaro and Smith, 2015) aspirations of Region’s population. On the other hand, MHESR is making all efforts to fill the glaring gaps between the quantity and quality of higher education to improve the Region’s economy. Hence, this paper reports on findings of a qualitative analysis of recent research studies and policy documents on KRI education and economic development by leading global and local scholars. The overall aim of this inquiry was to determine in what ways private universities are contributing constructively to Kurdistan’s economic development.

Keywords: Kurdistan Private Universities, Economic Development, Vision and Strategy, Kurdistan Demographic Profile.

International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics

ISBN: 978-9922-9036-3-7
