Dr. Araz Ramazan Ahmad
Law and Administration Department, University of Raparin, Raniah, Iraq
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2019p23
(Full Paper)

Traditionally, one of the most serious obstacles faced by mass media is censorship. It destroys the transformation of accurate information from Mass media to its consumers. Day argues that censorship reduces the honesty of mass media, intimidates journalists and endangers journalistic freedom. Censorship can be used to control the information communities receive from all channels of mass media (2001). Similarly, Steele believes that censorship is any effort to stop or control the exchange of knowledge and the nature of communication between Media and society (1999). This essay will explain four dimensions of negative and positive aspects of censorship.

International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics

ISBN: 978-9922-9036-3-7
