Naz Sardar Abdulkarim
Independent Researcher
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2019p39
(Full Paper)
With the booming oil sector economy post-2006, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I) become home for many gases and petroleum companies competing for the exploitation of one of the oil-richest regions in the Middle East. While the booming and expanding gas and petroleum industries have relatively boosted the economic life in KR-I it did little to mitigate the tremendous environmental effects left behind. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is, by all means, a new concept in the Kurdistan Region with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) having little interest or expertise in this area, at least at the initial stage of operational gas and petroleum industries. The key question of this study is how the expanding gas and petroleum industries in the KR-I have been dealing with CSR? How much, if any, the gas and petroleum industries contributed to the economic development in the Kurdistan Region? Undoubtedly, these questions are crucial and life-saving for the emerging economy and the fragile political and administrative structures of KR-I. If well managed, KRG can make a great deal out of CSR activities of the expanding gas and petroleum industries. To answer these questions, the study has utilized a number of qualitative and semi-quantitative methods to examine the impact of gas and petroleum industries on KR-I’s environment and their impact on the economic growth in the Region. An attempt has been made to get unbiased and balanced insight from all major stakeholders in this critical issue. The study aims to provide critical analysis of the abovementioned questions and issues with some elementary comparative insight from geographically different contexts.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Kurdistan Region, oil and gas companies, Iraq Introduction
International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics
ISBN: 978-9922-9036-3-7