Gran Seerwan Mohammed
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Administrative sciences and Economics,
Tishk International University, Iraq, Erbil
Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2021p40


This research was conducted to examine the effect of ATM services on customer satisfaction in Erbil banking industry. The questionnaire was administered to 81 ATM users for the purpose of collecting data. The questionnaire was structured and after collecting data were organized, coded and analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The results were expressed in frequency and percentages. The regression analysis also has been produced, dependent and independent variables have been used where the dependent variable was(satisfaction) and the independent variables were (effectiveness, cost, security and time). The findings showed that 81of the respondents are aware of existing ATM services and they hold an account with ATM cards. Moreover, the findings show that the respondents ranked the services that offered by ATMs to be effective, and the most services provided are withdrawals and followed by checking balances, mini statement of account. On the other hand, regression analysis show that the customers are satisfied in terms of the availability, security and time but, they are not satisfied with the costs, as they think the commission fees are high and needs to be decreased.


Keywords: Customer, Customer Satisfaction, ATM Services, Erbil Banking industry.

International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics

3rd joint conference organized by the collaboration of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics,
Tishk International University, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil, and
University of Szczecin, Poland.
