Teacher Motivation towards the Implementation of Bologna Process in Erbil-Kurdistan
Ari Tariq Khalid
Engineering Faculty, Architectural Engineering Department, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
English Department, Noble Technical Institute, Erbil, Iraq
The concept of Bologna Process has first been introduced in 2019 in Kurdistan. The lack of research about how the 4-year-old Bologna reform persists in a handful of universities implementing it in Kurdistan made it necessary to conduct the current research. Hence, this study aims to investigate teachers’ level of motivation towards the implementation of Bologna Process in Noble Technical Institute-Erbil (NTI) and examine whether there is any difference between the level of motivation of teachers who took Pedagogical Training Course and those who didn’t. It further unveils the factors that negatively affect teacher motivation towards the implementation of Bologna Process. To achieve the aims, a mixed methods approach has been adopted. To identify the teachers’ level of motivation, a survey questionnaire was distributed to the 50 teachers at Noble Technical Institute. Later, an unstructured interview was carried out as a qualitative research tool to investigate the factors that demotivate the teachers. The results show that teachers at NTI are not motivated to a good extent and there is a significant difference between the motivation level of the trained and untrained teachers. Trained teachers are way more motivated than the untrained ones. Moreover, the findings demonstrate that the factors that negatively affect teacher motivation towards Bologna Process implementation are; lack of training, technological and teaching materials are not well provided, the subjects taught do not ensure students’ employability, teachers’ fees, lack of promotion of teachers who perform better, fear of teachers for not having their contracts prolonged. The findings will benefit all the trustees, boards and faculty members in institutes and universities in Erbil that implement or aim to implement Bologna Process and want to have their teachers motivated.
Keywords: Bologna Process, Pedagogical Training, Teacher Motivation.
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a9