The optimum class size and the effect of class size on English language learning
Dana Ibrahim Ahmed
University of Raparin/ Kurdistan Region/Iraq
There is an ongoing discussion over the preference of what is optimum class size in educational settings and its impact on language learning and how can class size make a difference. This research is devoted to the study of the impact of class size on teaching and learning English as a foreign language. The purpose of this study is to closely investigate how class size can have an impact on English language teaching and learning and also to explore the learning and pedagogical challenges that are encountered by teachers. This study investigates into the literature connected to class size impact and to this end it follows a systematic literature review method in the light of previous research findings relative to a specified research question that what is the impact of class size on the quality of teaching and learning English. The investigation of related literature shows the effect of class size on students’ English language teaching and learning in academic classrooms, including the quality of delivered instruction, classroom management, providing students with useful feedback, and teacher-student interaction, and that there is a relationship between class size and learning whereby students in larger classes show less effective learning. Finally, it comes up with some suggestions and recommendations regarding the impact of class size on the quality of teaching and learning. This study could apparently contribute to the area of English language learning in regard to the effect of class size on language learning.
Keywords: Class size, English language class, teaching, achievement, active learning
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a52