Evaluating the Context of Translation Courses at the Departments of English in Kurdistan Region-Iraq 

Vian M. Poulis 

Department of English, College of Basic Education, University of Duhok 

[email protected] 


Many models have been  used  in evaluating programs,  courses,  and projects. Stuffelbeam’s CIPP (1983) is one of  the  models  that is  used for curriculum evaluation. C stands for ‘context’, I for ‘Input’, P for ‘process’, and P for ‘product’. Based on this  model,  this  study aims  at evaluating the  context  of translation courses offered at the Departments of English, Colleges of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil, University   of   Sulaimani, and   University   of   Duhok. A Questionnaire tool was used consisting of (N= 8) main items and (N=27) sub-items for  students’ evaluation,  and (N=10) main items and  (M=27) sub-items  for teachers’ evaluation in  this  study  to  collect  quantitative  data. The  translation teachers  and  fourth-year  students represented  the  sample  of  the  study. Data were analyzed by  using  the  Statistical  Package  for  Social Science  (SPSS  24). Results showed that  there was  a  discrepancy  between translation  teachers  and  students  in many aspects; one of these aspects is the translation objectives and objective needs. Thus, translation teachers are recommended to update the course objectives.  

Keywords: Context   Evaluation,   Course   Evaluation,   curriculum   evaluation, translation course evaluation, Translation teaching

Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a51