Evaluating the Context of Translation Courses at the Departments of English in Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Vian M. Poulis
Department of English, College of Basic Education, University of Duhok
Many models have been used in evaluating programs, courses, and projects. Stuffelbeam’s CIPP (1983) is one of the models that is used for curriculum evaluation. C stands for ‘context’, I for ‘Input’, P for ‘process’, and P for ‘product’. Based on this model, this study aims at evaluating the context of translation courses offered at the Departments of English, Colleges of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil, University of Sulaimani, and University of Duhok. A Questionnaire tool was used consisting of (N= 8) main items and (N=27) sub-items for students’ evaluation, and (N=10) main items and (M=27) sub-items for teachers’ evaluation in this study to collect quantitative data. The translation teachers and fourth-year students represented the sample of the study. Data were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 24). Results showed that there was a discrepancy between translation teachers and students in many aspects; one of these aspects is the translation objectives and objective needs. Thus, translation teachers are recommended to update the course objectives.
Keywords: Context Evaluation, Course Evaluation, curriculum evaluation, translation course evaluation, Translation teaching
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a51