Empirical Research Study on The Effects of Technology Use on Writing Sub Skills
Hewa Fouad Ali1, Liza Jamal, Fatimah Saadi3, Sami Hussien Hakeem Barzani4
1, 3,4:Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
2Independent Researcher, Erbil, Iraq
One of the key language skills is writing that requires close attention in the learning and teaching processes. There are several sub-skills involved in writing. One of the very important ones is spelling. The ability to spell correct is particularly essential for EFL learners and concurrently challenging due to various complexities in the English language writing system. With the wide spread of technology use in almost all aspects of our lives. Learning and teaching processes are not out of this technological storm that ultimately affects the way language learning and teaching are maintained. Having that considered, the fundamental purpose of the study was to find out the potential effects of using technology on spelling ability. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effect of technology on writing sub-skills, particularly on spelling. The findings showed that students who enormously rely on technological tools face more challenges when it comes to spelling than students who depend less on technological tools in their writing.
Keywords: Skills, Writing, Spelling, Technology, EFL learners
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a46