Linguistic Deviation in Shepard’s ” A Lie of the Mind”
1Widad Sabir Shakir, 2Amina Jawdat Ali
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Deviation, referred to as stylistics, is a means by which writers resort to in order to add artistic beauty to their work or to convey the messages they implicitly intend to focus on. There are different types of linguistic deviation such as phonological, grammatical represented by ellipsis, repetition and others. In this research the author investigated the use of repetition in one of the works of Shepard entitled ” A lie of the Mind”. The results showed that repetition indicate suffering, hesitation, wondering, and disbelief of the characters. The conclusions arrived at show that this kind of deviation reveals some of the characteristics of the actors in the play. Language of literature is different from that of linguistics. The language of literature deviates from the rules of grammar, morphology and phonology. The purpose of using a deviant language is to grant some kind of artistic beauty to the piece of writing and show the causes that make characters use a deviant language. The analysis intends to teach readers how to convey specific messages using linguistic forms, to value literary texts and to teach the audience and readers how language is used in literary texts which results in the increase in language knowledge. The method used for data analysis mostly based on Leech and Short’s model of linguistic deviation Style in Fiction and A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry by Leech. The results showed that repetition indicated things such as wondering, disbelieving, suffering, unstable mentality and hesitation. The conclusion arrived at show that deviation is really a successful means that Shepard used to reflect the intention of the writer in conveying the message he intended to reach to his audience and to his readers as well.
Keywords: Artistic Beauty, Linguistic Deviation, Shepard’s Style, Stylistics
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a44