Assessing EFL University Teachers’ Awareness and performance in Designing Tests
Soma Hassan
Department of English Language Teaching, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University
Assessment is one of the major factors of a successful program. Assessing students takes a very big part of the academic year for both teachers and students. In schools, both main types of assessment are used, formative assessment (assessing students throughout the academic year) and summative assessment (assessing students at the end of the academic year). The total marks at the end of the academic year determine if the student passes the school year or not. Due to that reason, teachers who are planning these tests need to be well aware of the standards of an effective assessment, and have the assessment literacy needed for conducting the tests. This research aims at finding out the assessment literacy of the university teachers and examine their use of the standards of testing design in their exam papers that they design. The participants are university teachers from both private and public sectors. The exam papers from both 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 were collected to be analyzed for testing design standards. Another tool that was used for measuring the teacher’s awareness was a questionnaire. The data from both tools are being analyzed by the researcher.
Keywords: EFL, assessment, teacher’s awareness, test design
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a42