Borrowing Fluctuation in the Conversation of Old and Young Generations of Kurdish Community in Erbil City
1Lanja Abdul razz Dabagh, 2Suhayla Hameed Majeed
1English Department, College of Languages, Salahadin University-Erbil
2English Department, College of Languages, Salahadin University-Erbil
Borrowing is a linguistic innovation that takes place in language. The perpetuation of human language depends upon our human prosperity even eagerness to imitate. That makes it possible for patterns of one language to be borrowed into another. All languages borrow lexical items from other codes, and have always done so. It can be said that certain languages seem to have been particularly prone to borrowing from others, as for instance English today is the most prolific ‘donor’ giving words to most languages of the world. Languages borrow primarily to communicate; borrowing, therefore, occurs out of necessity or need where a language does not have a readily available word for something. It happens when a language had some contact with another or other language(s). This paper deals with Borrowing Fluctuation in the Conversation of Old and Young Generations of Kurdish Community in Erbil City. It is hypothesized that the borrowed words in the language of these two generations are different. They have been borrowed from different languages. The paper also discusses how, when, and why these differences occur. The influence of cultural change on Kurdish language is obvious. The paper states why Kurdish borrow words, where are the sources of borrowing, and the cultural implications of borrowing in Erbil.
Keywords: Fluctuation, Borrowing fluctuation, Kurdish Community, Conversation, Cultural implication
Doi: 10.23918/vesal2022a27