The Role of Interactive Smart Board in English Language Teaching
Mustafa Altun
Esra Hasko
Tishk International University, Erbil, KRG, IRAQ
[email protected]

Education is the deliberate and systematic influence exerted by the mature person on the immature through instruction and discipline. It is the process by which and through which the experience of the race, i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitude are transmitted to the members of the community. According to Welton James, ‘Education is an attempt on the part of the adult members of the human society to shape the development of the coming generation in accordance with its own ideals of life’ (Quoted by V.R. Taneja, 2001). According to St. Julie Billiart (2006) “Education is a two-fold process, psychological development, and integration into society”. She also says that teach them whatever is necessary to equip them for life. Chamberlain and Kindred (1950) observed: “it is important that the individual
who is considering teaching as a life career should understand what is required of him and know whether he possesses the interest and competencies basis to success in this field”. Self-efficacy is defined as “the belief in one’s capacity to organize and execute the course of action required to manage prospective situations” (Bandura, 1997). The self-efficacy of a teacher is a powerful predictor of how and whether a teacher will act. Teacher self-efficacy is the belief that one is capable of exercising personal control over one’s behavior, thinking, and emotions in the instructional as well as the personal milieu. Effective teachers believe that they can make a difference in students’ lives, and they teach in
ways that demonstrate this belief. Professional development refers to the continued training and education of an individual in regard to his or her career. The goal of professional development is to keep you up-to-date on current trends as well as help you develop new skills for advancement in the field. This research aimed to observe the role of interactive smart boards in English language teaching and determined to what extent does interactive smartboards influence English language teaching. The researcher reviewed some previous studies related to using smart boards in ELT. The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which is integrating smartboards were improved students’ motivation. Smartboards made significant and positive changes in the collaboration between teacher-student, which improves the students’ engagement. They were also highly innovative and significant for language acquisition. Since smartboards have an advantage for teachers and have improved students’ engagements, linguistic and cultural elements. Besides, they have improved the education procedure. The results indicated that interactive smartboards save teachers-students time and effort through entering the lesson and printing a copy of it, which keeps the teacher time instead of repeating the lesson, or subject. Smartboards also provided the student an opportunity to understand the lesson without resorting to the teacher. Through that, technology has contributed significantly to the development of the education process. Accordingly, using a smartboard is highly effective in promoting students’ practical skills. Smartboards in the classroom increase the communication between the teacher and the student. Thus, ELT teachers feel comfortable using smartboards and managing their classrooms. Simultaneously, smartboards enhance new sorts of learning processes; smartboards provide an exciting choice to bring the web into every EFL category

Keywords: Smart Boards, Еnglish Languagе, Tеaching, Tеachеr, and Studеnt
