Main Aim
The main aim of the conference is to improve healthcare through development of nursing and midwifery professions and bring regional and international nurses and midwives from academic, clinical, administrative, and research fields together to share and exchange results of their research and quality improvement projects in all areas of nursing and midwifery.
- To present current local and global nursing and midwifery issues
- To identify strategies to improve healthcare through development of nursing and midwifery.
- To raise awareness of specific challenges facing nursing and midwifery in low- and middle- income countries
- To lay groundwork for development of nursing and midwifery professions and their contribution to improvement of healthcare in the Kurdistan region of Iraq
- To identify barriers to applying results of nursing and midwifery research in practice
- To strengthen participants’ motivation, action and impact on the local, national, regional, and international nursing & midwifery development
- To empower nurses and midwives and help them increase individual and collective capacity to improve their professions and healthcare.
- To mobilize future nurses around the issues currently facing the nursing profession
- To provide opportunities for clinical practice nurses and midwives to undertake and present the result of their nursing and midwifery quality improvement work.
- To support development of cooperation and partnerships between the nursing and midwifery academia and clinical practice
- To provide platform to network with nursing and midwifery colleagues from the Kurdistan region, other parts of Iraq, Middle East, and the rest of the world.
- To bring together nursing and midwifery students and provide them with the opportunity to learn, network, and share their experiences as future generation of nurses and midwives.
- To produce recommendations for the KRG to improve healthcare through the development of nursing & midwifery.
Focus Areas
The aim of the focus areas is to provide an opportunity for nurses and midwives to meet in smaller groups (up to 40) and focus on the specific area of nursing or midwifery through main international and local presentation of the focus area topic, discussion, and preparation of conclusions and recommendations for the local and international development and for the Kurdistan Regional Government. The focus areas include:
- Health and Nursing Legislation
- Nursing Regulation
- Health and Nursing Policy
- Nursing Leadership and Governance
- Nursing Education
- Clinical Nursing Practice
- Nursing Research
- Midwifery Regulation, Education, Clinical Practice, and Research
- Nurses and midwives from administrative, educational, clinical, and research settings
- Nursing and midwifery students