Faculty of Nursing, Tishk International University,
College of Nursing, Hawler Medical university,
Nursing & Midwifery Development Centre, Ministry of Health, Kurdistan Regional Government

Theme of the Conference

Improving Health Care Through the Development of

Nursing and Midwifery Professions


Welcome to INMC


Nursing and midwifery professions worldwide are currently going through the turbulent times facing challenges such as staff shortages, increasing workloads, fears for patient safety, increased job dissatisfaction, stress and burnout following the Covid-19 pandemic, recruitment, and retention problems, pay disputes international nurse migration and many others.

Healthcare in the Kurdistan Region has been compromised by years of economic, political, and social instability that has affected its ability to deliver quality health services to the local population.  As a result, nursing and midwifery have also been severely impacted and require a major transformative systemic change to raise them to the international standards and enable them to support the reform of the health system. The development of nursing and midwifery professions, especially through professional legislation, regulation, licensing, and continuing professional development of nurses and midwives are therefore of the utmost importance. Considering that nurses and midwives are the biggest part of the healthcare workforce, the professionalization of nursing and midwifery and capacity building of nurses and midwives have a great potential to improve the access to healthcare, enhance the quality and safety of health services, and improve patient outcomes in the region. The proposed conference will provide to opportunity for nurses and midwives from the Kurdistan Region and other countries to meet, present their work in relation to the above issues, discuss and exchange ideas and potential solution for challenges they face and contribute to the development of nursing and midwifery professions and healthcare in general.